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Contact & Location

We'd love to hear from you. Your questions & concerns are of the utmost importance to our success. Please contact us to request additional information about our course, services, and promotions, and let us know how we're doing in our efforts to provide the best experience for you and your guests.

The Buckhorn Golf Course
36 FM 473
Comfort, TX 78013

Phone: (830) 995-5351
Toll Free: (866) 746-2711
Fax: (830) 995-5358

Hours of Operation:
Open 7 Days a Week!

Click on a contact below for more info and an email contact form:

Name Position Phone
Michael Alt General Manager (830) 995-5351
Ismael Toca Golf Course Superintendent (830) 995-5351
Lacy Taylor Retail Manager (210) 378-7529